Craft/Retail/Promotional Stalls: Terms and Conditions

  •  Full payment (non-fundable) for stalls and pitches must be made before Monday 3 June:  Payment option details given when selected.  Do not send/pay any monies until invited to and an invoice is received.
  • Traders to be on site and set up on Thursday 4 July and Friday 5 July and be ready to trade by 4pm on Friday 5 July, when the festival begins.
  • Traders will be assigned their stall/pitch by the organisers. No alternatives or discussion around alternative pitches will be entered into.
  • Traders must only sell goods specified in their application. Any changes to the application form information supplied to us must be made in writing to the Festival Office at least four weeks prior to the start of the festival.  
  • No counterfeit goods may be brought onto sight under any circumstances. Any trader found stocking these goods will have them confiscated with immediate effect. 
  • Sub-contracting. No subcontracting of stalls or a part of stalls by traders is permitted.  
  • The Management reserve the right to reallocate stalls if essential for operational reasons or if traders arrive late. The site must be vacated by 10:00am on Monday 8 July.
  • No auctioneering on site
  • No use of PAs, speakers or music
  • Traders/exhibitors may bring vehicles subject to times above), but no running of engines through show times and no caravans at any time.
  • All vehicles are brought on site at their owners’ risk. The Festival cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur during the festival. 
  • Deliveries. Traders are responsible for arranging with festival managers that delivery vehicles have all necessary paperwork and passes prior to arriving at vehicle gates. Deliveries to site are only allowed whilst the festival is closed. 

Equipment and Power Supply 

  • Electricity for traders must be provided by the festival's chosen power company. All power must be provided by the power company chosen by the festival organisers. 
  • It is your responsibility, (if accepted to trade) to contact the power supplier through festival management, arrange and pay for the supply in advance of the festival.  
  • Payments for power supply will not be accepted on site. 
  • Brought in Generators are not permitted on site for Health & Safety and noise reasons. Traders must have sufficient electric light for safety and security. Please advise the power company of your power requirements in advance; failure to do so may result in you having no or not enough power.  
  • Traders who pull more power than ordered and cause the circuit to go down will be disconnected and their stall closed down.   
  • Exhibitors are responsible for the security of the stall/pitch and stock.
  • Closed waste containers must be provided by the trader and kept to the rear of the trader’s space to accommodate refuse generated during the festival. 
  • No animals are to be brought on site. 
  • Traders are responsible for ensuring that they and their staff adhere to the published pass system. The Festival cannot accept any responsibility if traders do not adhere to the system or lose passes. Trading staff without passes will not be admitted to the festival. Vehicle passes are non-transferable and must not be moved to other vehicles. 
  •  Amplified Music. No music to be played without prior agreement with the Festival Management. 
  • No broadcasting of visual images without prior agreement with the Festival Management. 
  • No rebates will be given to traders as a result of adverse weather conditions, acts of God, nor as a result of changes in performance programmes or re-siting stalls within the Festival. The Festival will not accept responsibility for the level of trading during the event. 
  • In the event of festival cancellation. Payment for the concession (will be refunded but no compensation for loss of trade will be paid.

Health & Safety 

  • Traders must comply with the Health, Safety and Hygiene requirements of Coventry City Council. Traders are not permitted to start trading until they have been given the go ahead by the Health and Safety Officer, following a Health and Safety Inspection. 
  • H & S risk assessments including fire risk assessment are required for all traders and should be returned with this form 
  • Official organisations. Traders are required to co-operate fully with Site Management, The Event Safety Officer, Security, Emergency Services, Police and all official organisations on site - such as Environmental Health Officers, Fire Officers, Customs and Excise staff, the Environment Agency, Trading Standards Officers and Inland Revenue staff. 
  • Wastewater must be disposed in the waste fluid containers provided and not poured on the ground. Traders must ensure taps are not left running. 
  • Traders are responsible for the removal and disposal of any waste oil from the site. There will be no facilities provided by the festival management for disposal on site.  
  • Structures. All traders’ structures will be checked by the Event Safety Officer for stability. Unsuitable or unsafe structures will be required to be removed.  
  • In order to reduce on-site traffic, Traders are expected to bring sufficient stock for each days’ trading. Vehicle movement will not be allowed during trading hours. Any vehicles being used must have the relevant passes. No motorcycles or unlicensed off road vehicles will be permitted.  
  • Items not permitted on site. Body-piercing equipment, generators, fuel, lasers, drones, fireworks and weapons or potential weapons are not permitted on site for safety reasons and will be confiscated. Traders must co-operate fully with Festival Security in any search of vehicles or stalls. 
  • An emergency access route will be established into the main festival site, this must be kept clear of traffic and obstacles at all times. 

Fire Safety 

  • Fires. No open fires are allowed on site.  
  • No Petrol or Diesel or Gas Generators will be permitted on site.  
  • Fire Safety. Please unsure that you have adequate exit points in the event of a fire and that you have enough lighting to see them.  
  • We also ask that you have fire safety equipment to the satisfaction of the Event Safety Officer, and that it has been tested in the last 12 months. All your staff should be trained in the event of a fire, and all structures and drapes must be durably flame-proofed to BS3120. We will have a fire safety officer checking all units over the trading period. 
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG). Traders are only allowed to bring one spare container of bottled gas on site (those for primary use plus 1 spare) and shall be of a fixed type installation stored outside any stall or vehicle and be positively secured in an upright position.  
  • Waste: Traders are responsible for keeping both the 5-metre area in front of their stalls as well as their back of market space tidy and free of rubbish. Traders must leave their site as they found it. All rubbish must be put into the appropriate skips or waste fluid containers. We ask you all to please take care of the environment in which you trade.  

Health Act 2006 

  • You are not permitted to smoke in any public enclosed spaces. Tents, Marquees and similar structures are classified as enclosed spaces. 

Health and Safety Hazards 

  • All working practices comply with the regulations as outlined in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, 
  • All working practices comply within the regulations as outlined in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, 
  • All working practices comply with the regulations as outlined in the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. 
  • All working practices comply with the regulations as outlined in the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992. 

The following items are not permitted to be sold at the Godiva Festival: This list is non-exhaustive.

  • Cigarettes/vapours or any tobacco products
  • Alcohol or associated products. Providing this as prizes for tombola’s is also not permitted
  • Firearms or explosives including BB guns, catapults and slingshots including toy guns.
  • Weapons including domestic knifes.
  • Pornography
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Pirated media (includes DVDs)
  • Real fur
  • Site wide ban on glitter
  • plastic beads,
  • sequins,
  • new leather
  • feathers

Management withholds the right to shut down a site selling prohibited or illegal goods whether they are listed above or not.

Activities prohibited without prior notification and consent:

Some activities are paid for with exclusive rights and in some cases a tender process has been administered so we do not allow the following activities when operating a charity/community/craft stall. 

Below lists some of these activities:  This list is non-exhaustive.

  • Face painting
  • Any selling of hot or cold food and drink.  Wrapped sweets are acceptable.
  • Any selling of ice-cream
  • No bucket collections around the site are permitted but if you are collecting for Charity you are allowed to have a collection box for voluntary collection on your table/stall.
  • No licensable costumed characters i.e. Peppa Pig, Mickey Mouse without being licensed by official agents of the rights holders.  Bespoke mascots for charities are allowed just not any regulated characters as costumed staff/volunteers, walkabout characters, etc

Management reserve the right to shut down a site/stall who is refusing to stop trading if asked to do so.

Other Prohibitions

  • No political or religious literature is permitted.
  • No items with offensive wording is permitted for sale.
  • No face coverings can be sold on site.
  • No group participant can use any copyright material (ie costume characters) without the prior consent of the creator/author. Written proof will be required.

If any of these rules are not followed, then you will be asked to leave the site. The decisions of site management is final.

Please note: Any publicity announcing the event before permission has been granted may lead to your application being turned down 

Please note: Any publicity announcing the event before permission has been granted may lead to your application being turned down 

I declare that any information I have supplied is correct, that I have read the terms and conditions, health and safety and fire safety and agree to comply with them. I agree to comply with all and any further regulations that may be imposed by Coventry City Council. I understand that I will lose any right to trade on the day(s) if this contract is broken. Coventry City Council reserves the right to refuse any applications.